St. Louis History Museum
I had previously studied American History in middle school, but since then, I have not had a specific course that focused on the history of St. Louis or even the United States. Although I did not really know what to expect, it was such a neat experience getting to learn about St. Louis specifically by seeing actual artifacts from St. Louis's past.
This plane was probably my favorite part of the entire museum. Although it was not real, it was located in the center of the museum hanging from the ceiling. I felt that it was the focal point of it all. Walking through exhibits and seeing different statues or historical items, you truly realize how society and technology has advanced. Looking at the different parts of this plane made me realize this immediately due to how the plane is shaped and what materials it is made out of.
Anheuser-Busch has been watched over by a member of its founding family since it was first started in underground caverns near the Mississippi River. Eberhard Anheuser, the first founder, did not have experience so he hired his son-in-law, Adolphus Busch, a recent German immigrant schooled in the art of brewing. Together with their legendary recipe that became the basis for all of their beer, they started an incredible franchise known as Anheuser-Busch.
There were many statues and other figures dressed in different uniforms and clothing. Something that amazed me the most was how the types of clothes that people wore have advanced. Many military uniforms have stayed the same because they want to keep a classic and unified look. However, uniforms for other, everyday jobs have changed immensely. The farther we look back in history, the more we find that clothes were hand-made and durable. Today, machines mostly sew and put together our clothing. Not as much pride is taken into making or even wearing uniforms as they were back then. To wear a hand-made uniform was a privilege, and I feel like many people abuse that. Regardless, the great detail that was put into uniforms and clothing from St. Louis's past was incredible to see in person.
The moment I saw the Thomas Jefferson Statue, I was in awe. It was so massive and intimidating. His facial expression and his size really captured who he was. He was a founding father of this country and he was the 3rd President. This man from Virginia wrote the Declaration of Independence that was still follow to this day. The detail in the statue is incredible and is, in my opinion, one of the focal points of this whole museum considering it was located almost in the center of it all.